Non-surgical facelift with
Dr. Sundas Khan

Non-surgical facelift is a minimal invasive treatment to lift sagging skin. For this procedure, Dr. Khan uses Nordyx CE registered PLACL threads to lift the face, back to where it used to be 10 years ago.

The procedure involves adding threads under the skin where they are attached. This attachment produces a lift which gives the desired look. PLACL threads are long lasting, after 12 months the threads are dissolved. By this time the skin will produce elastin and collagen to maintain the lift and tightness. The threads are designed to produce a strong a lift while rejuvenating the skin.

Pricing - Nordyx threadlift

Price depends on how many PLACL threads we use. 

4 threads

8000 kr

2 threads on each side

6 threads

11 500 kr

3 threads on each side

8 threads

14 500 kr

4 threads on each side

Facelift gallery

All photos are taken immediately after treatment with Dr. Sundas Khan.

Front view - 4 threads total

Lateral view - 4 threads total

Lateral view - 4 threads total

Front view - 8 threads total

Lateral view - 8 threads total

Side by side - 8 threads total

Front view - 6 threads total

Front view - 4 threads

Lateral view - 4 threads

Front view - 6 threads

Front view - 4 threads

Front view - 4 threads

Front view - 8 threads

Front view - 6 threads